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Did you hear that capsule wardobes are a big deal right now? Kendra’s talking about them, Kelly’s talking about them and now I’m going to talk about them. So let’s get a few things straight:

  1. I don’t have a nifty capsule wardrobe setup in my closet these days.
  2. I probably won’t any time soon — the idea of culling my wardrobe down to 37 pieces for each season (so 148 pieces) seems overwhelming/sad to me. (Plus, I’m not even sure that I own 148 pieces of clothing if I don’t count workout wear or pajamas.)
  3. Despite my aversion to formalized capsule wardrobes, I do see the merit in taking a critical look at one’s wardrobe to determine what’s worth keeping and what’s worth donating.
  4. Plus, I’m going to be starting graduate school soon, so I need to look like a real live grownup, okay?

So here they are: 7 things to encapsulate in your fall wardrobe:

  • This Grey Mini Skirt.
So wrinkly, so nonchalant about it.

So wrinkly, so nonchalant about it.

I picked up this little grey skirt on my outlet mall adventure. It’s way shorter than anything I normally wear, but with a pair of thick black tights and boots, I think I can pull off the rocker chic aesthetic. I wouldn’t ever wear this skirt to church, but for meeting friends for dinner or hanging around town, I think it’s perfectly acceptable.

Plus, corduroy is the true opiate of the masses, right?

  • This Stolen Orange Sweater.
I promise my comforter isn't disgustingly dirty -- it came out all discolored from the washing machine. Anyone know how to fix that?

I promise my comforter isn’t disgustingly dirty — it came out all discolored from the washing machine. Anyone know how to fix that?

I borrowed this from my mother several years ago and never gave it back. I’m probably never going to give it back. One day, I’ll confess my sins to a priest or something.

  • These Dark Wash Jeans.
Man, I feel like a grownup.

Man, I feel like a grownup.

Everyone needs a pair of jeans for the colder months. Since I’m trying to be more of a real grown up, I’ve been a little more into the whole “dark wash, classic silhouette” thing.

  • These Two Fabulous Sweater Dresses.


I know, I know, this is technically two items, but both of them are so excellent that I had to include them both.

  • This Classic Pair of Boots.


I bought these boots when I worked in a shoe store and got an 80% discount. They get worn almost daily in the cooler months. Plus, since they’ve been around for like a bajillion years, I’m confident that they’ll never go out of style.

  • This Little Grey Jacket.


My new Grandma bought me this jacket for Christmas last year. I like how it’s cut a little bit differently from the traditional suit coat — I can wear it out and about without feeling like I’m playing dress up as a super serious business person. Also, if I ever have to appear in a business setting, this jacket totally works.

  • My Favorite Bag in the Universe.
Can't you just see me carrying this as I ride my bicycle across the English countryside.

Can’t you just see me carrying this as I ride my bicycle across the English countryside.

The color palette says spring, which is a good thing to focus on when it’s frigid outdoors.

  • Bonus! This Black Tank Top.


I picked this up at the outlet mall as a fancy alternative to all the natty ribbed black tank tops I’ve been wearing since high school. I like how its cut a little bit away from the body and I feel a lot more polished when I wear it. (The really swanky trim helps with that, too.)

So that’s that — a mini capsule wardrobe for all your capsule-y needs. Do you have a capsule wardrobe? How’s that working out for you?

For more quick takes, visit Conversion Diary.