Can you believe it’s already Monday? I can’t. I’m not into it at all this week. Alas, time keeps marching on, so let’s do this thing!

Googled “Time Keeps Marching On” and got these sweet clocks. You’re welcome.

First, go check out my link up RIGHT HERE. If I can get three people to show me their weekends, I’ll actually pay for the fancy inlinkz membership so we can have thumbnail pictures and everything. Now, I’m not saying that it’ll be your fault if we don’t get fancy pictures from inlinkz, but it won’t not be your fault.

Here’s what I wore Sunday, so we can get the formality out of the way:

You probably can't tell from this picture (because I look so cool and composed) but it was seriously gross outside yesterday. Warmer than usual though.

You probably can’t tell from this picture (because I look so cool and composed) but it was seriously gross outside yesterday. Warmer than usual though.

Here's a mirror selfie, so you can see the sweet pattern on my blouse.

Here’s a mirror selfie, so you can see the sweet pattern on my blouse.

Now, I’d like to discuss a major fight occurring in my household right now. (Things are getting tense around here. I’m not sure we’ll make it.) Here’s the crux of the issue: When you travel to someone’s house — that is not your parents’ house (i.e. “home”) — do you hang clothing up in the closet? I say no*, because unless someone has a dedicated guest room with a dedicated closet, any hanging that I might do would require me to get all up in the host’s business. Others around me seem to disagree with this common-sense assessment of the situation.

What say you commentariat? Do you hang clothes in other people’s closets when you travel or just live out of your suitcase?

Give early, give often, give so the disembodied voice won't haunt your dreams.

Give early, give often, give so the disembodied voice won’t haunt your dreams.

Finally, I want to ask you all a question. It’s Annual Catholic Appeal time around these parts and it made me curious about how all of your parishes handle that. Does their protocol include the disembodied voice of the Archbishop? Ours did. I’m still digesting the experience.

What I Wore Sunday is a linkup hosted by Fine Linen and Purple.

*Obviously, if I’m there for a formal event with a big dress and a long coat, I find somewhere to hang my clothes — but I always ask before going in the closet.